

The bespoke Apex UNITY curriculum and our RUSHD method of teaching helps us to focus on the talents of every individual child whilst maintaining a solid, knowledge-rich foundation in a wide range of subjects at our school. This holistic approach to education enables us to not only teach but rather nurture pupils to their fullest potential.

We believe that the noble Qur’ān can be described as a student-centred, problem-based (PBL) curriculum with the aim to solve real-world problems. This final “sacred curriculum” was revealed over a period of 23 years and (often) to solve particular problems that have occurred during the life of our beloved Prophet ﷺ and his companions (may Allāh be pleased with them). The themes and stories in the different āyāt and sūrah chapters may seem scattered and disconnected from each other at first glance. However, they reveal a clear picture with a very defined objective once the noble Qur’ān is read in its entirety from beginning to end.

  • Above āyah has been mentioned four times (similar) in the Qur’ān. 
  • We learn that there is a method to teaching and learning; a step-by-step approach that includes a focus on:
    [1] Introduction (tilāwah) - with focus on attitudes & Intentions (tazkiyah)
    [2] Comprehension (taʾlīm of theory) - with solid foundation & retention (ḥifdh of Qur’ān)
    [3] Higher-level thinking skills (taʾlīm of sophisticated details) - with skills & practice
    [4] Mastery through consistent repetition (dhikr) - with gratefulness
    [5] Reflection through through worship (ʿibādah) - with focus on values & ethics (e.g., patience)


  • It is important to note that these activities should be brainstormed and suggest by the students not the teachers (in first instance)... the above examples are just possible learning activities and suggestions.

  • Every subject will have a multitude of learning objectives (LO) to cover within every six-week module (the above are just some limited examples). Apex has developed a comprehensive LO databank from which teachers can pick and choose relevant learning objectives for each module. However, they must ensure that all required learning objectives have been covered within a year. If a particular LO cannot be matched to a proposed problem/theme then students will engage in a gap-filling exercise in the last half-term of the academic year to cover the “missing” LO within the allocated time.

  • The RUSHD pedagogy model is a student-centred pedagogy approach built on a rich knowledge base and with a particular focus on values based-education. It encourages students to develop a broad range of competencies and also discover their own talents in order to enhance them further.

  • Apex is in the process of establishing a clear assessment framework for anyone who wishes to obtain a UCC (UNITY Curriculum Certificate). These standards will cover all competencies that are developed within the RUSHD pedagogy model. Therefore, the UCC standards are not solely based on a written (multiple-choice) examination, but also include a range of research orientated tasks, required readings and practical applications outside the classroom as well as a 360-Degree feedback survey involving teachers, mentors, parents and peers.

  • Think of it as a DofE (Duke of Edinburgh Certificate of Achievement) combined with SATS, GCSE and/or A-Levels (or any other accredited academic certification). Of course, we also train our students to be successful in any locally required academic examination worldwide.

  • The UNITY curriculum and RUSHD pedagogy model are designed to cover the “base/common” education for all students across the five proposed subject areas. Students will gain experiences and foundational knowledge in a wide ranging subjects and topics. However, they can also expand their competencies in one or more “focus” subjects/disciplines by enrolling in specialised extra curricular clubs (e.g., ḥifdh club, fencing club, archery club, etc.) that take part either pre or post- regular school lessons. This will help them to nurture their very own talents.
  • The UNITY curriculum and RUSHD pedagogy model enables students to have a wholesome education where they are challenged to think “out of the box” and become dynamic learnings.




