Welcome from the

Early Years Coordinator

At Apex we aim to provide every child with a rich, well-rounded Early Years education in a creative, Islamic and stimulating environment. It is hoped that this will provide a foundation for life-long enjoyment.


As salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh, and welcome to Apex Primary School Nursery!

Our Nursery aims to provide teaching and learning experiences of the highest quality to help our children to learn about the world around them by providing all the children with interesting activities that are appropriate for their age and stage of development. The provision for children's development and learning is guided by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

We organise our sessions so that the children can choose from and work at a range of activities and in doing so, build up their ability to select and work through a task to its completion. The children are also helped and encouraged to take part in activities that introduce them to new experiences and help them to gain new skills, as well as helping them to learn to work with others. Outdoor activities contribute to children’s health, their physical development and their knowledge of the world around them.

These learning experiences will offer a balance of adult led, adult supported and child led activities.  We provide a welcoming, caring and safe learning environment for our children with an Islamic ethos at the heart of it all.

And say – Oh Lord! Increase me in my knowledge”
The Holy Quran 20:114

Welcome from the


Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

Here at Apex Primary, we strive to deliver an excellent level of teaching and learning in a warm and safe environment. We believe that a holistic approach to learning will give our children the best start in life and this is why our School ethos centres around nine core values. These values seek to promote all the characteristics of how Islam teaches us to live our lives.

Inclusivity and understanding lay at the heart of this. Alongside this, our bespoke Islamic curriculum tailors to that specific need and has taken Apex from strength to strength. We also believe that our values enhances a teaching model which includes learning in the great outdoors; so we strive to provide our students with as many learning opportunities outside of the classroom as possible. Much of our curricular and extra curricular activities focus on appreciating and experiencing the natural world.

We hope you will join us on this journey in helping little feet climb mountains to reach the apex.

Ms Meherun Hamid

Head Teacher


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